Category: News

No Woman Should Die While Giving Life, no man should watch women die!

East African Caravan on Maternal Health arrives in Kampala on July 14th, 2010 An estimated 536 000 maternal deaths occurred worldwide in 2005. Slightly more than half – 270 000 – of these preventable and unnecessary deaths occurred in the sub-Saharan Africa region alone. One in sixteen women and girls die giving birth in Africa. 14% of those who do, die from unsafe abortions and 60% of these women are under the age of 25 years of age. Nigeria, Ethiopia and Democratic Republic of Congo are among the six countries that are responsible for 50% of all deaths globally. Yet,

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Mozambican Women Celebrate New Law

(Wambui E. Karanja)– Mozambican women celebrate a new law that protects them from violence– On 11 July 2003, the heads of State and government of the African Union (AU) adopted the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa. The African Women’s Protocol seeks to promote and protect the rights of African women by reinforcing existing international human rights standards to address the continent’s specific violations of women’s rights. It commits state parties to combat all forms of discrimination against women through legislative, institutional and other measures. If there were a

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Strategies for 2010- AU Year for Peace

Greater women empowerment, training on gender issues, reform of legal systems and a sanction imposition are some of the strategies the Africa Union (AU) should adopt in 2010: the Year for Peace, according to gender experts meeting ahead of the AU summit. The AU has already designated 2010 as the Year for Peace and Security that will see increased implementation and action on United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325, 1820,1888 and 1889 that deal with the rights of women in conflict, post-conflict and peace building situations. ‘The AU needs to incorporate a gender advisor requirement for the negotiation process in

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Evaluation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality

Report findings from 18 African countries out of the 53, indicate that only 34 per cent of the member states have honoured the commitment of subsequent reporting on progress made in implementing the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) as required under article12.  The report also indicates that although there has been progress made in institutionalising gender in government ministries, there is still lack of sufficient information on key programme executed. The report findings of an evaluation undertaken to monitor African governments reporting and performance in implementing the SDGEA was launched by Gender is my Agenda Campaign (GIMAC),

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