issue: Equality/Non-discrimination


L’Association des Juristes Maliennes (AJM) est une association corporative, membre de l’Organisation Mondiale des Femmes Juristes. L’AJM travaille à l’assistance des femmes dans leurs démarches juridiques et administratives et aussi à la vulgarisation de la législation auprès des femmes pour leur faire connaître leurs droits. Ils travaillent et organisent la relecture des textes discriminatoires à la lumière des instruments internationaux qui permettront, nous l’espérons, de faire évoluer la loi malienne vers plus d’égalité homme/femme.

The Association of Malian Jurists (AJM) is a corporate association, which belongs to the World Organization of Women Lawyers. AJM works to assist women in their legal and administrative procedures and also to popularise legislation for women to let them know their rights. They work towards and organise replay discriminatory texts in the light of international instruments that will hopefully change the Malian law towards greater gender equality / women.

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Alliances for Africa (AfA)

AfA is an international African led non-governmental human right, peace and sustainable development organization. AfA works with partners in, around and beyond the continent of Africa. AfA was created to enhance and reconstruct the interface human right and development, with a vision to contributing innovatively to the task of tackling causes of endemic poverty and exclusion in Africa. AfA works with partners in, around and beyond the continent of Africa to advocate for the protection of human rights; promote women’s participation in leadership and governance; build institutional capacity, advocate for gender justice, equality and non-discrimination, as well as promoting peace, security and conflict resolution interventions.

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ACDHRS is an independent, Pan African non-governmental organization established by the Gambian government in 1989. Its aim is the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa through the establishment and maintenance of a human rights movement spanning the continent. ACDHRS also seeks to collaborate with, support and encourage the work of partners, through the development and strengthening of effective implementation and use of international standards and instruments.

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