issue: Protection of women from violence

SOAWR has partnered with UN Women to #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women

Exciting news! We’re pleased to announce that SOAWR has with UN Women handle under the #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women programme. ACT is a new game-changing commitment between the European Commission and UN Women as co-leaders of the Action Coalition on Gender Based Violence (GBV), in collaboration with the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. Through direct investments in feminist movements, strengthening intersectional alliances, and coordinating a shared advocacy agenda, ACT will amplify women’s rights movements as they coordinate their push for justice. In the current context of pushback on gender equality and the rise in anti-rights movements, ACT will seek

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Download English Press Release The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights is a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations working across 33 countries. SOAWR works to ensure that the rights of girls and women as articulated in the Protocol to the African Charter on  Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (“the Maputo  Protocol”) are prioritized by policymakers on the African continent.  On the heels of celebrating two decades of promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls in Africa, we are dismayed to learn of the alleged sexual harassment of the Bilingual Secretary of

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South Sudan Ratified the Maputo Protocol – Now What?

Status of women’s and girls’ rights in South Sudan Women and girls in South Sudan face extreme challenges with limited rights to protection, participation and inclusion. As such, South Sudan is among the countries with the highest rates of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the world. Opportunities for education and vocational training are scarce. Laws and patriarchal norms limit women’s ability to inherit land, start a business (women belong in the kitchen and at home), and lead in public affairs. And, most of the more than 4 million South Sudanese who are forcibly displaced are women and girl. In

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