region: East Africa


Ethiopia signed the Maputo Protocol in June, 2004 and ratified it in July, 2018.  A thirteen-year Industrial Strategic Plan (2013-2025) which seeks to increase employment opportunities for Ethiopians has been adopted by the Government. The strategy prioritizes labor intensive, women-dominated sectors such as textile and garment, meat, leather and leather products, and agro-processing; potentially providing increased employment opportunities for women. The implementation of this strategy during the reporting period has indeed proved to be a positive development in terms of job creation for Ethiopian women as it is ushering more women into paid full-time jobs in the said sectors. It

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Eritrea did not ratify the Maputo Protocol, but signed it on April, 2012.  The Government of Eritrea has given the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) the mandate to act as the women’s machinery in the country. Article 635, which bluntly glorifies the marital power of the husband, was automatically repealed and was replaced by Article 45 of family law which recognizes the equal rights and status of both sexes and keeps the interest of the children and the mother. In the five years leading to the November 2013 Universal Periodic Review report, 207,416 femalegenital mutilation/ cutting (FGM/C) related disputes

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Djibouti signed the Maputo Protocol in December, 2003 and ratified it in February, 2005.  There has been considerable progress in Djibouti’s efforts to combat gender-basedviolence, spearheaded by the Ministry forthe Advancement of Women, Family Welfare and Social Affairs. Several policies have been targeted towards reducing GBV. One is the National Initiative for Social Development (2008-2012), this policy refers to international conventions, awareness raising campaigns against Violence Against Women (VAW) and FGM/C, and makes the existing laws stronger. The law includes sentences of up to 20 years’ imprisonment for rape but does not address spousal rape. The government did not enforce

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Comoros signed the Maputo Protocol in February, 2004 and ratified it in March, 2004. A Road Map 2016-2018: A National Action Plan to Combat Violence against Women In 2017, UNICEF contributed to the development of an action plan on child marriage, budget included, however there is no information on the launch of this action plan. 2019 March gubernatorial election resulted in the election of Comoros’s first female governor, Sitti Farouata Mhoudine. Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRGSP), Comoros development strategy for 2015-2019.

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