Action for Development (ACFODE) is an indigenous, voluntary, non-governmental women’s organization whose formation was stimulated by the United Nations Third World Conference on Women held in Nairobi in July 1985.
After being denied the right of entry to the conference due to the overriding political control that was in Uganda at the time, the idea of creating a women’s organization that would not be controlled by the state or political party was conceived by a few women academicians led by Dr Hilda Tadria. Others included Dr. Joy Kwesiga and Dr. Ruth Mukama. The three needed to incorporate the ideas that had been discussed during the conference with in ACFODE’s mandate and so they approached Dr. Maxine Ankrah who had attended. She accepted to join them and this led to the birth of ACFODE.
Since inception 25 years ago, ACFODE has been an effective platform of debate and action on issues related to the women’s empowerment in Uganda. This has been done through consolidated advocacy for policy formulation, research, capacity building, coalition building, mobilization and sensitization as her core strategies geared towards enhancing the capacity of Ugandans to champion the women’s cause and gender equality on the national agenda.
ACFODE’s vision is a Just society where gender equality is a reality.
Key priority areas for ACFODE leadership development for gender equality with special focus on women’s participation in politics and decision making, Women’s economic empowerment, policy advocacy and transformative social cultures with particular focus on GBV and VAW/G.