The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue (FDHRD) are an Egyptian non-governmental organization registered with No. 6337.
FDHRD was founded in 2005 with the dedication to promote human rights, raise
citizen’s awareness on their rights and responsibilities, and combat human
trafficking and illegal immigration on a local and global level.
Our mission is to ensure that development is community-led and that it respects,
protects and fulfills human rights. We do so by ensuring that communities and
individuals have the information, power and resources to determine their own
development paths and priorities and to hold institutions, governments, and
other actors accountable for the actions on people. Thus, we aim to establish an
open dialogue on development and human rights on a national and international
SOAWR has partnered with UN Women to #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women
Exciting news! We’re pleased to announce that SOAWR has with UN Women handle under the #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women programme. ACT is a new game-changing commitment between the European Commission and