Tomorrow’s Child Initiative (TCI) is a non-governmental organization registered under the NGO Act of 1990 in Kenya. TCI was created in 2005 and formally registered on 21st June 2006. The vision of TCI is a society where children and women have unfettered access to opportunities, which allow them to live in dignity because their rights are respected and upheld. TCI recognizes that poverty is a leading cause of disempowerment of women and by extension children, and that it opens doors for the abuse of their rights, in several forms. TCI interprets poverty broadly to also include inter alia poverty of knowledge. Where poverty exists, there is a corresponding variable of lack of access to resources. TCI also acknowledges that any meaningful change must be the result of initiatives that are directly informed by those that live in these disadvantaged situations and the design of which they must participate in. TCI therefore works with and amongst the economically challenged to facilitate sustainable positive changes in the lives of the women and children that it targets in its interventions.
SOAWR has partnered with UN Women to #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women
Exciting news! We’re pleased to announce that SOAWR has with UN Women handle under the #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women programme. ACT is a new game-changing commitment between the European Commission and