Factsheets: Maputo Protocol Article 14 – SRHR in Southern Africa
SOAWR’s Southern African Cluster has produced informative Factsheets on different issues under Article 14 of the Maputo Protocol.
country: Malawi
SOAWR’s Southern African Cluster has produced informative Factsheets on different issues under Article 14 of the Maputo Protocol.
Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre contributes towards the consolidation of channels of free expression and other rights for the citizens by working with and building the capacity State and Non-state actors in areas of Human Rights, Gender and Governance among others.
The NGO Gender Coordination Network (NGO GCN) is a network that exists to promote gender equality and equity in Malawi through co-ordination, lobbying, advocacy, information sharing and capacity building of its members. Its thematic areas are: Women in Politics & Decision Making, Gender Related Laws, GBV, Child Rights and Agriculture & Economic Empowerment for Women.
2015 National GenderPolicy[i] 2016 Launch of the Gender Equality Act Implementation and Monitoring Plan 2016-2020[ii] Gender EqualityAct Implementation 2016-2020[iii] 2017 National Plan of Action on Women Economic Empowerment (2017-2022)[iv] 2018 Political Party’s Rules and Regulations: eliminates handouts during campaigns, an impediment for women’s political participation[v] [i] Republic of Malawi (2015), “National Gender Policy”. [ii] Malawi UNFPA (2016), “2016-2020 Gender Equality Act Implementation Plan launched”. [iii] Ministry of Gender, Children, Disabilities and Social Welfare (2019), “Republic of Malawi National Review on the Beijing + 25: Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platformfor Action (1995)”, p.25. [iv] Ministry of Gender, Children,
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