Adoption of the Multi-Sectoral Approach Framework Workshop
SOAWR Workshop on the Adoption of the Multi-Sectoral Approach Framework for the Implementation of the AU Women’s Rights Protocol and the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act
issue: African Union
SOAWR Workshop on the Adoption of the Multi-Sectoral Approach Framework for the Implementation of the AU Women’s Rights Protocol and the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act
This Digest aims to promote the use of one of the world’s most comprehensive and progressive human rights instruments (the Maputo Protocol or the Protocol).
SOAWR coalition organization and others are working to ensure that the Protocol remains on the agenda of policy makers and to urge all African leaders to safeguard the rights of women through its ratification and implementation. These organizations give visibility to both progress as well as violations of the rights enshrined therein.
Cameroon has become the 36th African Union (AU) Member State to ratify the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa following its deposit of its ratification instrument on 28 December 2012. The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR) Coalition congratulates Cameroon on taking this important step, which demonstrates its commitment to women’s rights and gender equality. The ratification process has been a long journey. Cameroon signed the Protocol on 25 July 2006 and, on 28 May 2009, President Paul Biya issued Decree Number 2009/143 on the Ratification of the Protocol. Unfortunately, this decree met with opposition from religious communities
Exciting news! We’re pleased to announce that SOAWR has with UN Women handle under the #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women programme. ACT is a new game-changing commitment between the European Commission and
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Download English Press Release The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights is a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations working across 33 countries. SOAWR works to ensure that the rights
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