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Voix de Femmes est une association dont les membres sont plus d’une centaine de femmes et d’hommes qui se sont portés volontaires pour lutter pour les droits des femmes dans les domaines juridique, économique, socioculturel et politique.
Voix de Femmes is an association whose membership consists of over a hundred women and men who have volunteered to fight for women’s rights in the legal, economic, socio-cultural and political fields.

Well Being Africa (WBA)
Well Being Africa (WBA) is a South African organisation that envisions African communities where people are healthy, empowered and thriving in maximising their potential. Its core values are engrained in integrity, service, empowerment, respect, and teamwork.

Women and Law in Southern Africa (Zambia Chapter)
Formed in 1989, Women and Law in Southern African Research and Education Trust (WLSA) Zambia is a local Chapter of a sub-regional network (other member countries are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe) seeking to contribute to sustained well-being of women and girl children in Southern Africa through action-oriented research in the socio-legal field and advocating women’s rights. Its mission is to work towards the socio-economic, political and legal advancement of women and children.

Women and Law in Southern Africa: Zimbabwe Chapter
Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) Zimbabwe Chapter conducts action research.