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Forum Mulher é um Fórum da Rede Mulher que trabalha pelos direitos das mulheres moçambicanas. O Forum Mulher trata de questões de género e desenvolvimento, advocacia e lobbying, assim como trabalho de educação e informação. O Forum Mulher tem o seu escritório principal em Maputo.
Forum Mulher (Women’s Forum) is a Women’s Network Forum that works for the rights of Mozambican women. Forum Mulher deals with gender and development issues, advocacy and lobbying, as well as education and information work. Forum Mulher has its main office in Maputo.

Great Lakes Initiative for Human Rights and Development (GLIHD)
The Vision of GLIHD is to see the great lakes region where human rights are fairly respected and enjoyed. Based in Rwanda, their mission is to contribute to the respect promotion and fulfilment of the rights of individuals and groups inline with international human rights framework and obligations of member states.

Haki Nawiri Afrika
Haki Nawiri Afrika is an initiative formed by Kenya based activists in collaboration with university students from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

HelpAge International
HelpAge International is the secretariat to a global network of more than 170 organisations across 91 countries working to promote the right of all older people to lead dignified, healthy, and secure lives.