Tanzania signed the Maputo Protocol on November 2003 and ratified it on March 2007.
- Tanzania Vision 2000-2025, among other aims, equal opportunities for orphans, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in every aspect of social, economic and cultural life.
- In 2017 authorities filed a case against two women in Mwanza who exchanged rings in an engagement ceremony that was recorded and posted on social media. The case was withdrawn without being heard in 2018 and then reopened as a new case in June 2019. It was ongoing as of December 2020.
- Tanzania committed to implement the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) by signing a national CAADP compact in July 2010. The country then developed the Tanzania Agricultural and Food Security Investment Plan (TAFSIP) and officially launched it in November 2011. TAFSIP is a 10-year (2011/2012—2020/2021) sector-wide mechanism for promoting investments in the agricultural sector within the CAADP framework. The plan identifies seven priority investment areas: (1) irrigation development and sustainable water resources and land use management; (2) agricultural productivity and commercialization; (3) rural infrastructure, market access, and trade; (4) private-sector development; (5) food and nutrition security; (6) disaster management and climate change adaptation and mitigation; and (7) policy and institutional reforms and support. Implementation of the range of agricultural policies, strategies, and commitments in Tanzania that fall under TAFSIP is done through a number of programs, including the Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP) for the mainland and the Agricultural Sector Strategic Plan(ASSP) for Zanzibar. Agricultural land are a under irrigation in hectares has risen to 415,130 as compared to 168,430 in 2002 (AfricanUnion Commission 2014).
- The National Plan of Action to End Violence against Women and Children 2017/18-2021/22 addresses the need to end child marriage and set the target to reduce child marriages to 10%. In 2017, implementation plans were formed for eight regions.
- The Government has been developing a National Plan of Action on FGM/C and Child Marriage, which was delayed following the 2015 general elections. As of beginning of 2020, there are no updates on the development of this National Plan of Action.
- The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children conducted a National Survey on the Drivers and Consequences of Child Marriage in 2017.