region: East Africa


Zambia signed the Maputo Protocol on August 2005 and ratified on May 2006. 2015 Gender Equity and Equality Act: includes provisions regarding the elimination of discrimination related to gender-based violence [i] The Gender Equity and Equality Act affirms a woman’s right to, on an equal basis with a man: “(a) vote in elections and referenda and to be eligible for election to publicly elected bodies; (b) participate in public decision making and formulate and implement Government policies and programmes; (c) hold public office and perform public functions at all levels of Government; (d) join, and participate in the activities of,

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Uganda signed the Maputo Protocol in December 2003 and ratified it on July, 2010.    Uganda developed a NAP for the national implementation of UNSCR1325, 1820 and the Goma Declaration on Eradicating Sexual Violence and Ending Impunity in the Great Lakes Region (GomaDeclaration) in 2008. “The Uganda Vision 2040 which prioritised efforts to enable women to participate in education and skills development; business, agriculture and industry; equal political representation at all levels; as well as total elimination of harmful and non-progressive sociocultural practices that affect the health and wellbeing of both women and men.“ In 2006, Uganda’s Ministry of Health

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Tanzania signed the Maputo Protocol on November 2003 and ratified it on March 2007. Tanzania Vision 2000-2025, among other aims, equal opportunities for orphans, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in every aspect of social, economic and cultural life. In 2017 authorities filed a case against two women in Mwanza who exchanged rings in an engagement ceremony that was recorded and posted on social media. The case was withdrawn without being heard in 2018 and then reopened as a new case in June 2019. It was ongoing as of December 2020. Tanzania committed to implement the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture

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South Sudan

South Sudan did not ratify the Maputo Protocol, but signed it on January, 2013.  Labour Act of 2017: “South Sudan enacted a comprehensive Labour Act in 2017, which reinforced the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value as guaranteed by the constitution. The right to nondiscrimination in the field of employment has been give effect by the provisions of the Labour Act of 2017. Section 6(1) of the Labour Act provides that ‘No person shall discriminate, directly or indirectly, against an employee or job applicant in any work policy or practice’. Section6(2) also forbids discrimination by any Trade

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