region: East Africa


Mozambique signed the Maputo Protocol in December, 2003 and ratifies it on December 2005. In  2019, the Parliament of Mozambique approved the Law on Prevention and Combat of Premature Unions. The law aims to prohibit, prevent, mitigate and penalise premature unions or marriages (child marriage), as well as establish mechanisms to protect children in those unions. In addition, the Parliament approved a revision of the Family Law criminalising the marriage of persons under 18 years with the consent of parents. Mozambique is a focus country of the UNICEF-UNFPA Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage, a multi-donor, multi-stakeholder

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2015 National GenderPolicy[i] 2016 Launch of the Gender Equality Act Implementation and Monitoring Plan 2016-2020[ii] Gender EqualityAct Implementation 2016-2020[iii] 2017 National Plan of Action on Women Economic Empowerment (2017-2022)[iv]  2018 Political Party’s Rules and Regulations: eliminates handouts during campaigns, an impediment for women’s political participation[v]  [i] Republic of Malawi (2015), “National Gender Policy”. [ii] Malawi UNFPA (2016), “2016-2020 Gender Equality Act Implementation Plan launched”. [iii] Ministry of Gender, Children, Disabilities and Social Welfare (2019), “Republic of Malawi National Review on the Beijing + 25: Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platformfor Action (1995)”, p.25. [iv] Ministry of Gender, Children,

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Madagascar has not ratified the Maputo Protocol but it signed on February 2004. Loi n°2019-008 relative à la lutte contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre: This law establishes a national mechanism to combat Based Violence on Gender. It also punishes new categories of offenses such as marital rape (Article 6), harmful traditional practices (Article 5), gender contempt and economic violence (Article 12), and put in place a victim protection system. Starting in January the government set up a mechanism to streamline the prosecution of gender-based violence. In addition the government broadcasted a weekly program on public and private television

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Kenya signed the Maputo Protocol in December, 2003 and ratified in October, 2010.  The Government has also introduced the 30% affirmative action policy for women, youth and persons with disabilities in public procurement. Under this provision, women, youth and persons with disability are given preference for 30% of public procurement tenders thus accelerating achievement of MDG 3 by facilitating ease inaccessing previously male monopolized economic activity space. Under the Constitution of Kenya 2010 the Government is implementing the affirmative action principle unemployment in the Public Sector-where not more than 2/3 of appointive positions should be of the same gender. This

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