
The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa: a commentary
This Commentary aims to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for anyone interested in the Maputo Protocol, such as researchers, teachers, students, practitioners, policymakers and activists.

Cadre législatif des droits des filles et des femmes en Afrique de l’Ouest || Legislative framework for girls’ and women’s rights in West Africa
L’équipe du Réseau des Femmes Leaders pour le Développement est fière de publier notre Nouveau Rapport intitulé “Cadre législatif des droits des filles et des femmes en Afrique de l’Ouest’. Ce rapport met à jour met à jour le cadre législatif avec focus sur les femmes dans les 15 pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest à noter : Bénin, Togo, Niger, Nigéria, Sénégal, Mali, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Gambie, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, et la Guinée. Toutes les lois ont été mises à jour jusqu’à 2023. Les problématiques sur la violence basée sur le Genre (VBG), des Droits à la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive (DSSR), les Mutilations Génitales Féminines (MGF), le droit des femmes au foncier, les mécanismes institutionnels, et le cadre juridique pour la promotion des femmes dans les

Guide and Guidelines for Women Human Rights Defenders
This publication acts as an information resource and sets out the legal and policy framework that guarantees the rights of women human rights defenders and establishes obligations to respect, promote and fulfil these rights by African States.

Maputo Protocol Compendium – Equality Now
Litigating the Maputo Protocol: A Compendium of Strategies and Approaches on Defending the Rights of Women and Girls in Africa is a testament to the continuation of the work of advocates for the rights of women and girls in Africa and their innovative approaches when it comes to the implementation of this treaty at the national level. The papers contained in this Compendium highlight the rightful place of litigation in holding states accountable for the commitments they made under the Maputo Protocol, as well as other regional, continental and international human rights treaties with provisions aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls in Africa. Download Here
Breathing Life into the Maputo Protocol
This Digest aims to promote the use of one of the world’s most comprehensive and progressive human rights instruments (the Maputo Protocol or the Protocol).