The Centre for Justice Studies and Innovations (CJSI) promotes rule of law as an avenue through which justice is delivered to all people in Uganda, particularly the poor and marginalized groups. CJSI believes in giving to all what they are due and making provisions for the poor and marginalized as the viable pathway to equitable economic and social development. CJSI believes all individuals and communities have an inherent sense of justice as well as building upon these sacred principles, tradition and the days’ practices to arrive at justice that is meaningful, relevant and credible to all involved. CJSI exists to challenge all forms of organization (Government and/or Community grown; formal and informal) to consistently re-evaluate their basic assumptions; organization and intentions to ensure delivery of justice as a basic service that should be easily accessible, affordable and with predictable and meaningful outcomes for all.
SOAWR Statement to the ACHPR 81st Ordinary Session
Download the Full Statement 19th October, 2024 SOAWR Member Alliances for Africa (AfA) presented a statement at the 81st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights