issue: Protection of women from violence

Legislative Advocacy Coalition on Violence Against Women

Legislative Advocacy Coalition on Violence Against Women (LACVAW) is a Coalition of diverse groups in civil society working on various aspects of women’s human rights, particularly, violence against women. The Coalition was formed in 2001, in response to the need to bring together and amplify the voices of NGOs across the country, particularly those that were proposing Bills at the State and National Assemblies on issues of domestic violence, harmful traditional practices and inheritance rights.

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Change Must Be Accelerated to End FGM in One Generation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) involves the partial or total removal of the female genitalia. It is an extreme and violent form of discrimination and violates the rights of women and girls to equality, bodily integrity and dignity. As we mark the International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM, we are at a critical window of opportunity – a ‘tipping point’ where momentum is growing and change can be accelerated. FGM is now prohibited to varying degrees in 20 out of 29 of the countries in Africa and the Middle East where it is most prevalent, although full implementation of the

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SOAWR Strongly Condemns the Act of Violence by Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero

The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights Coalition (SOAWR), an initiative of 43 organizations working across 23 countries in Africa, strongly condemns the act of violence committed by Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero against Nairobi’s Women Parliamentary Representative, the Honourable Rachel Shebesh. A video of the incident that took place on Friday 6th September 2013 has received wide media coverage in Kenya and clearly shows Governor Kidero slapping the Honourable Shebesh at City Hall-Nairobi. Subsequent statements from Governor Kidero and his office indicate that he did not recall the altercation and further claimed that his action was warranted by indecent assault by

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