issue: Protection of women from violence

SOAWR Statement on Situation of Women in Mali

SOAWR is greatly concerned over the growing humanitarian situation amidst increasing reports of human rights abuses and violations in Mali following the Coup which took place on March 22, 2012. SOAWR vehemently condemns the violence being perpetrated on innocent bystanders and urges the Government to fulfil its commitment to protect its citizens against all human rights abuses, especially women and girls. Download Statement – English Download Statement – French

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Strategies for 2010- AU Year for Peace

Greater women empowerment, training on gender issues, reform of legal systems and a sanction imposition are some of the strategies the Africa Union (AU) should adopt in 2010: the Year for Peace, according to gender experts meeting ahead of the AU summit. The AU has already designated 2010 as the Year for Peace and Security that will see increased implementation and action on United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325, 1820,1888 and 1889 that deal with the rights of women in conflict, post-conflict and peace building situations. ‘The AU needs to incorporate a gender advisor requirement for the negotiation process in

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Calling on Nigeria to Take Adequate and Effective Action to Protect the Rights of the Girl Victims

The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights Coalition (SOAWR) joins the global community in condemning the abduction of over 276 Nigerian girls by Boko Haram on April 14, 2014 and Nigeria’s subsequent failure to take immediate action to ensure their safe return and continued protection. The schoolgirls were taking exams when members of Boko Haram stormed the all-girl secondary school near Chibok in Northeast Nigeria and forced the teenage schoolgirls into trucks, kidnapping and transporting them to remote camps in Northern Nigeria, including Madayi, Dogon Chuku, Meri and Kangarwa.1 Upon splitting up and dispersing the girls into several different camps, Boko

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