Communication Techniques for Development (ACT)
Communication Techniques for Development is an Egyptian organisation who seeks to improve the media’s representation of women and combat violence against women.
issue: Right to positive cultural context
Communication Techniques for Development is an Egyptian organisation who seeks to improve the media’s representation of women and combat violence against women.
WLM promote and advocate for gender equality as well as an active and participatory citizenry, which are both pivotal for the achievement of good governance, sustainable development, social justice and transformation.
One of the world’s most comprehensive and progressive women’s human rights instruments, the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol) was adopted by Heads of State and Government in Maputo, Mozambique, on 11 July 2003. To commemorate the 19th Anniversary of the Maputo Protocol, the SOAWR Coalition is celebrating 19 reasons why the Protocol benefits the diversity of African women and girls, their lived realities, communities and governments. Go to: 1. African Union Member States Whilst the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights provides a foundational framework for domesticating human rights
Réseau Inter Africain pour les Femmes, Médias, Genre et Développement (FAMEDEV) est une organisation de défense des droits des femmes dont le siège est basé à Dakar au Sénégal. La MISSION de FAMEDEV est d’amener des changements substantiels en Afrique en utilisant les médias et en soutenant la promotion des femmes africaines dans les médias, de contribuer à l’établissement d’un système de réseaux de contacts fonctionnels pour la promotion des femmes africaines dans les médias, et d’aider au renforcement des compétences et des capacités des Africaines dans les médias au moyen de formation, de réseaux de contacts, d’activisme et de fundraising.
Inter African Network for Women, Media, Gender and Development (FAMEDEV) is a women’s rights organization headquartered in Dakar, Senegal. FAMEDEV’s mission is to bring about substantial changes in Africa by using the media and by supporting the promotion of African women in the media, to contribute to the establishment of a system of functional contact networks for the promotion of African women in the media, and to help build African women’s media skills and capacities through training, networking, activism and fundraising.
Exciting news! We’re pleased to announce that SOAWR has with UN Women handle under the #ACTtoEndViolence Against Women programme. ACT is a new game-changing commitment between the European Commission and
Download the Full Statement 19th October, 2024 SOAWR Member Alliances for Africa (AfA) presented a statement at the 81st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Download English Press Release The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights is a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations working across 33 countries. SOAWR works to ensure that the rights
(ENG) Download Call to Action and Accountability (FR) Télécharger l’appel à l’action et à la responsabilité (العربية) تنزيل دعوة للعمل والمساءلة