La fondation du Journal Féministe Algérien (JFA)
Le Journal Féministe Algérien (JFA) The Algerian Feminist Journal is a group for information, communication and feminist initiatives.
language: Arabic
Le Journal Féministe Algérien (JFA) The Algerian Feminist Journal is a group for information, communication and feminist initiatives.
Y-PEER PETRI Morocco is a youth-to-youth initiative launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and established in Morocco since 2006. Y-PEER PETRI Maroc est une initiative de jeunesse à jeunesse lancée par le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (FNUAP) et créée au Maroc depuis 2006.
NADRF, an Egyptian organisation, is mainly concerned with monitoring and documenting human rights violations, the promotion of women’s rights and gender equality, the empowerment of women and youth at political, economic and social levels.
FDHRD was founded in Egypt in 2005 with the dedication to promote human rights, raise citizen’s awareness on their rights and responsibilities, and combat human trafficking and illegal immigration on a local and global level.
Download the Full Statement 19th October, 2024 SOAWR Member Alliances for Africa (AfA) presented a statement at the 81st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Download English Press Release The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights is a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations working across 33 countries. SOAWR works to ensure that the rights
(ENG) Download Call to Action and Accountability (FR) Télécharger l’appel à l’action et à la responsabilité (العربية) تنزيل دعوة للعمل والمساءلة
Graphic by SAAF Fund 28 September 2024 marks the Global Day of Action for access to safe and legal abortion. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), through its