
Advocacy for the Ratification and Implementation of the AU Protocol
SYNOPSIS On the 11th of July 2003, The African Union (AU) Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa was adopted. It is also known as the ‘Maputo Protocol’ alluding to the city where it was adopted, or the African Women’s Protocol (hereafter referred to as the Protocol). The Protocol addresses

African Women’s Organizing For The Ratification And Implementation
The Maputo Protocol is a ground-breaking women’s rights legal instrument that expands and reinforces the rights provided in other human rights instruments. The Protocol provides a broad range of economic and social welfare rights for women. Importantly it was produced by Africans and pays attention to the concerns of African women. AWID interviewed Faiza Jama Mohamed, Director of Equality Now

Because I am a Girl, I Must Study
A father asks his daughter: Study? Why should you study? I have sons aplenty who can study Girl, why should you study? The daughter tells her father: Since you ask, here’s why I must study. Because I am a girl, I must study. Long denied this right, I must study For my dreams to take flight, I must study Knowledge

African Women Making a Difference on Peace and Security
(Mary Robinson blogs on her recent visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)– African women are on the move in an extraordinary way, and are determined to make their voices heard and their influence count – particularly on issues of peace and security. I witnessed this first hand at two recent meetings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, home of the African Union (AU)

The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women
VAWnet is an online resource for advocates working to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violence in the lives of women and their children. VAWnet’s eNewsletter provides monthly updates on new resources available online. Read more